FULL SHOW St Mary LePort Planning Corruption; David Miller Anti-Zionism Victory; Tucker Grills Putin

7 months ago

FULL SHOW Bristol Planning Corruption at St Mary Le Port Dr David Miller Landmark Employment Tribunal Alex Krainer Ukraine Gaza Tucker Carlson Putin Interview

– Joe Banks, freelance journalist, joins Tony and Martin. Joe has done intensive investigations in to the planned development at St.Mary le Port, Castle Park, Bristol.
– Planning Corruption at the Heart of Bristol, Joe Banks on St Mary Le Port private equity development
– The Story of St Mary le Port: short(ish) version by Joe Banks – Political interference, specialists sidelined and developer power:
– Office block scheme at the historic heart of the city reveals important insights into Bristol’s planning and development regime – Joe Banks
– Laura Trott, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, and it’s worrying how little she knows. Laura Trott accused of not knowing ‘basic facts of her job’ after questions over debt
– Dr David Miller court victory: Anti-Zionism now a ‘protected characteristic’ under UK hate crime law
– David Miller, journalist and former Professor of Sociology at Bristol University, joins Tony and Martin. David Miller has won his court case against claims he was anti-Semitic
– Anti-Zionist views protected after tribunal makes landmark ruling in favour of sacked professor Dr David Miller Anti-Zionism is a legally protected characteristic
– Professor David Miller successfully claimed discrimination based on his philosophical belief that Zionism is inherently racist
– Retired US General Wesley Clarke explains US doctrine of ‘escalation dominance’ and why US has to strike Iran.
– Gen. Wesley Clark many years earlier in 2007 – Project for the New American Century and their plan to attack 7 countries in 5 years to clean up old Soviet client regimes.
– Matt Campbell needs donations for the inquest in to his brother’s death in 9/11 attack – Crowd Funder We are the family of Geoff Thomas Campbell — our beloved son and brother
– And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his demons were cast out with him. Revelation 12:9
– Tough questions from Tucker Carlson in wide-ranging Putin interview
– Alex Krainer, author of ‘Grand Deception: the Truth About Bill Browder, the Magnitsky Act, and Anti-Russian Sanctions’, joins Tony and Martin online from Monaco to discuss
– Clear and present danger: wars incubate fascism War and preparations for war are extremely toxic to society. These are times to be brave. The war drums in Europe and in the Middle East
– David Halpin, former surgeon, on King Charles’s prostate problem and what cancer he thinks he has. Prostate examination may have revealed King Charles had rectal cancer
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling


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