1 year ago

The mental delusion of QAnon adherents is well documented and here we have yet another example of the craziness and lunacy on display.

In this video we have a QAnon "sovereign citizen" who is pulled over for a traffic stop, and who refuses to show his identification when asked to do so. Instead he locks himself in the vehicle and winds his windows up. He then goes on a rant to his live-stream supporters, asking them to "pray for him" and to "tag in Donald Trump."

He then takes things a step further and prays to Donald Trump ("Donald Trump, please save me...") while the police circle his vehicle and threaten to smash in his window. Naturally, Donald Trump does not magically appear out of the ether and save this gentleman from his self-inflicted predicament. The police smash in his window and he is arrested on the spot.

QAnon and A1 supporters are all drinking from the same "Donald Trump please save us..." cup of bullshit. They flaunt their so-called Christianity and imagine they have a hotline to God himself. None of this is true and instead, they only showcase themselves as complete morons with a distinct lack of critical thinking skills.

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