How to Get Famous Without Spending a Dime – Does This Book Work? – Episode 1

1 year ago

How to Get Famous Without Spending a Dime – Does This Book Work? – Episode 1

Come with me on a journey as I discover the benefits and pitfalls of becoming famous. We are now on a special quest to discover the powers of the universe, God, and manifestation. Little did I know that a trip to the local library would alter our literal future. Although doesn't everything alter the future?

#getfamous #savemoney #podcast #vlog #manifestation #befamous #16personalities #adventure #goals #bookclub #listen #library #ENTJ #INFJ #chatgpt #openai #classycheapskate #djjamiejay

Partial Transcript:

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:29:03

How to get famous without spending a dime - With the classy cheapskate. It all started when I visited my local library for free books. And so the story begins. Never did I think I would pick up this book that would change my life forever. Join me on this journey in my first ever podcast slash blog or vlog, actually. There was some stiff competition at the free book section, but it appears the universe wanted me to have this book along with a few dozen others.

00:00:29:03 - 00:00:50:03

Of course. Now let's go back in time to when I first found the book. Well, it's about time. And I'm not talking frizzy hair time either. It's about time to go to the library and get freebies, free books to read. So, of all the months, I decided to film myself going to the library to get free books, it has to be a day when the library is packed.

00:00:50:05 - 00:01:11:21

I just have to have all these people around that I'm trying to film. But let's go see what books we can find. And I'm going to show you what I get and what I like, and we're going to go from there. So consider this like a blog. We can change our lives today. Now, if your library doesn't give away free books, there's these little libraries around neighborhoods and stuff.

00:01:11:21 - 00:01:34:17

I can show you one on the way home where you can get books. Sometimes the weather gets in and ruins the books, though, and they get mildew. So I like to get free books from the library. Look how many I carried. Like, watch this. my gosh. I can barely carry them all. Don't tell anyone, but I'm going back for seconds.

00:01:34:19 - 00:01:52:06

Do you want to hear something funny? So what's the next day? And remember, I was carrying all those books because you just saw that part, right? My left leg mostly is really sore from squatting down a couple of times while holding all those books. That means I'm out of shape. This has me really intrigued how to be famous.

00:01:52:09 - 00:02:07:24

Quite intriguing. If you were famous, would it be really that great? Like everybody would be in your space and trying to steal your money packing you? I don't know. I think I'm going to read you guys this book and see if we can get famous. And then I'm going to see if the author of this book is even famous.

00:02:07:24 - 00:02:32:03

This is like from the 1980s. Let me check here. So this was actually written in 2010. It's not that old. Maybe this will work. It's written by a woman. Okay. We're going to go on this quest. So one reason you won't want to be famous is frizzy hair. You actually have to make sure those phrases stay down. And I already tried to get them to stay down, and I won't work.

00:02:32:03 - 00:02:48:23

So I don't even know if I can be famous at this point. Let's try it, though. All right. We'll see what the book says about hair and if it has anything to do with being famous. But don't think it does because look at Carrot Top. He's a comedian and he can have the biggest frizz ball orange hair ever.

00:02:49:00 - 00:03:11:12

So I think anything goes. Did you when you're famous, you have to look at the camera like find that viewer. You can't just look at yourself like this. You have to like look at the camera, which is a tiny hole on your phone. So I arrived back and here's the book I got today. And like I said, I usually do this once a month when I'm at the library anyway for a meeting.

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