OBAMA'S COMMUNIST INNER-CIRCLE by Dr. James P. Wickstrom, Teacher of YAHWEH

1 year ago

"Know the truth and the truth shall set you free"...well, just how much freedom do you want and what would you do with it if had it, because there are many people particularly those of White Western European ancestry, who feel that the truth can be a pill hard to swallow. So, if you came here seeking the TRUTH then keep watching, if not then go to Fox News, CNN or to the other mainstream News channels that supports that litter box in the Middle East known as Israel, continues the support of the Jew controlled Ukraine and the Communist Martin Luther King day and other Marxist created racist observance days, if these are things that make you feel like a patriotic American then you are already in that box of thinking where the enemy is all to glad to keep and control you.

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