11 months ago

This will enrage the beast, but will it serve as a temporary "fatal" wound?
Desperation almost guarantees one thing.. not a "false flag", but a RED FLAG.
Either way, we are at a crucial turning point and critical breaking point.
Something has to give SOON! 🙏
This video excerpt is from 02/08, about the same day of the "SHERIFFS WARNING" (plural). Today is 02/11 SuperBowl Sunday. Monkey Werx and others have voiced serious concern about a possible big "terrorist" type of event. By the time you see this video, IF you are reading this description, the game will probably either be over or in progress. I'm not a sports fan or fanatic, in the least. However, I will be watching, more due to those concerns and sort of rooting for the KC Chiefs, although I expect the SF 49ers to win. But never underestimate the Chiefs. Do I expect anything BIG & BAD to occur? Not really, yet never be surprised. My/our focus will be more upon the halftime show, to see how evil it is. Hoping it shall be mostly clean and decent. FAR too much emphasis is placed upon the idolatry of professional sports, as it has been on celebrities of all venues. They are just people and I've met plenty of them. Some are nice, exceptional human beings, most are very fouled and arrogant sinners or plain immoral.

Like Nathan Reynolds, who came OUT of an illuminati family, says, in so many words, most of us can not relate nor imagine what it's like to be born into privilege, expected to sell your soul to evil, in order to keep your fame and/or wealth. Back to the game, we have Ms. Swift, a purported witch and halfback Kelce, who promotes the poison stab. Bad karma! Poor Taylor was adopted into the "right to party" class, at a young, impressionable age. As for her boyfriend, he got paid something like $2M for that commercial. A devil's bribe, at best. The root of all evil is greed / money / power. It only gets worse, so I'll shut my pie-hole about all of the gambling, drinking, etc., etc., etc.

Point being that YOU (we all) had better clean up our act.
Do GOOD WORKS! Don't fall victim to any worldly influences.
Begin by praying for everyone and for your own life. PLEASE do!

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