Rapaport lays out how we were all lied to about Trump

1 year ago

For years, I bought the “very fine people on both sides” lie. I was floored when—after 5 years of BLINDLY hating him—I started looking into Trump in Sumner 2020 (because he seemed to be the only one even speaking about re-opening the country, and I was desperate to get back to work and could tell covid was a lie). I couldn’t believe how much I’d been lied to about Trump. One of the standouts was the Charlottesville lie about him saying there were “very find people on both sides,” including the nat-sees. He clearly says that he’s not talking about the nat-sees and whyte nationalists, and that they should be “condemned totally,” and then he doubles down by saying they’re “bad people.” Note too, even the ​⁠ video on YouTube is misleadingly titled. This lie was spread EVERYWHERE. ​⁠ launched his 2020 campaign on it—a lie. It’s still spread everywhere. I couldn’t believe how much they’d lied to me to get me to hate this man; realizing that was instrumental in my #walkaway journey.

So it’s time we arm ourselves with the truth. It doesn’t mean you have to like or vote for Trump, but the onus is on each of us to know the truth and to be vigilant. The truth is that Trump is on video over and over and over again condemning whyte supremacy; there are lengthy compilations on YouTube. ✌️

Credit where it’s due: ​⁠

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