Casualty report

1 year ago

The silent war going on. Is not so silent when you put things together. These are just a few of the recent step downs, non re-election, deaths and fallen ill.
I was going to add some high profile names from fairly recent times. Like Fienstien and Henry Kisenger Ect.
But the libs, trolls and non believing folks just say. (Yah but they were really old.) 😁
I also could add hundreds of names who use to always be very vocal. Who have been dead silent. Like politicians, actors, singers ect.
But that would take me hours. And if you have not noticed the silence. Well,,,,, I don’t know what to tell you.
The war Is real. Israel… I could mention the play on words. That brain washes people into thinking a curtain way. Again,,, at this point. What’s the point. I’ve done those videos. I don’t like to repeat the same information over and over. Although there are newcomers who may not know. But the information is out there.
God bless everyone.
Stay strong

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