Super Soldier Talk - David Anderson – General Dave A.K.A. The Hulk

11 months ago


Excellent eBook: QUIT SMOKING OR DIE!

David Anderson, formerly Marrow, and several other names; was born on record 1979 but would seem maybe older. Adopted, but the adoption was peculiar, and was very underhand and experimental. He has Canadian Scottish Jamaican ancestry.

David was in project Superman and conditioned for combat and linguistics by age four and traveled on and off world. He knows 10 languages He raised by Nazis but they were murdered when he was only meters away. David is a flat earth believer; he believes we live in a holographic matrix projection to blindfold the human race so the ET can use this world for natural resources and slaves.

David has received a download about the ark, the story of Aladdin, and he has been in the chambers below ground in Egypt. Been on digs on Scotland and Wales. David was at Burnworthy Manor were we both have shared memories. He was in the hulk program.

David will be sharing more of his stories and how he survived a life with complex posttraumatic stress disorder, complex poly fragmentation a more advanced version of D.I.D., SRA, amnesia, and borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia due to trauma-based torture programming.

You can email David:
His Pay Pal Donation is also:
Listen to his music: DAVEMARROW.BANDCAMP.COM

Original Record Date: February 10, 2024

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