Connecting the DEMONIC Dots with Guest Amy Roper - LIVE SHOW CLIP

1 year ago

This is a shorter clip of the full length LIVE Show - search for it if you want to see the full video.

In this episode of the Two Witnesses LIVE, we’re joined by researcher and podcast host Amy Roper, as she puts the pieces together between the Bible and today’s headlines. We’ll discuss the “days of Noah” and Lot, the Nephilim, Masons, Catholic and Mormon churches, Disney and MK Ultra to see how these all fit together into the perfect end-times picture Jesus Christ warned us about. We’ll also discuss Holllywood, “The Gold Juice,” clones, Taylor Swift and the Super Bowl – all topics Amy has amazing prophetic and scriptural insight into.

Guest: Amy Roper
Podcast: Eyes on the Right
Bio: Amy, eyesontheright4.0 on Instagram, is an educator, counselor, and Bible teacher, who has extensive research on the Illuminati, secret societies, pagan religions, Hollywood, symbolism, and truths that are purposely hidden. With her background living near Hollywood, knowing people in the industry, and time spent with survivors and mind control de-programmers, Amy will bring to light some of these hidden secrets, with first hand accounts. With a Biblical lens & seasoned maturity of discernment, you will learn to uncover the secrets in plain sight.

Don't glean more information without education.
Contact Amy for Biblical Counseling: https://www.biblicalguidancecounselin...

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