Goal of Nato is Killing

8 months ago

Instead of war every persom could have had a home and a job.
We could have beautiful communities.

Instead the war machine wants everyone homeless living in a getto while destroying and killing millions in wars.

What kind of sick world is this.

Where death ,destruction , suffering, misery
Comes before peace , love , compassion and happiness

The majority is becoming evil as fuck. So the world has gone to what Africa was in the 80s. Fuck IT , kill them all let God sort it out. I lived that and i can tell u it ends bad for everyone but the ruling elitists and their puppets. So 95% are fucked .

Wake up sheep or die in horror while everyone u love dies and u lose everything after that most ppl kill themselves btw.

War are created for profit ,comtrol , depopulation, land or resource acquisition.

Only ppl absprbing land while killing 80% of the population is Israel . Isreal is bulldozing Gaza and building condos for the ppl of Israel already.

If Russia did the same tye Leftists would lose their minds.

You cannot have a hypocrisy. No Rules for only the jews ? Wtf is this.

Palestine was always Palestine. Israel stole a part of it during a violent seige

Ukraine always belonged to Russia. But the organized crime and Nazi's broke off from Russia.

I kmow ppl who told me decades ago Ukraine militia was killimg Ukrainians. Decades ago. They still do it today. But lets support that. Then lets support Israel.

Now peoples true colors show.

Support Covid vax
Support Ukraine
Support Israel
Support Nato

You are a Killer who love death and making ppl suffer. Please check yourself into a mental hospital. You are a Narrsasist, sociopath, or psychopath. = leftist

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