A rare video from 1994 shows David Rockefeller campaigning for the depopulation of the earth

7 months ago

A rare video from 1994 shows David Rockefeller campaigning for the depopulation of the earth:

The clip becomes even more disturbing when he mentions to the year 2020.

“The negative impact of population growth on all of the Earth's ecosystems becomes frighteningly clear".

“The United Nations can and should play a critical role in helping the world find a satisfactory way to stabilize the world's population," Rockefeller says.

Translation: “The UN should find a way to depopulate and sterilise the population” And what have we seen? Excess deaths sky rocketing and birth rates plummeting.



BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street are all jointly owned by the same sick satanic psychopaths as the unaudited US Federal Reserve. These three mega corporations, all owned by the same cartel has been swallowing up all smaller corporations over the decades, under the guise of a "capitalist utopia" it was in fact communism via the backdoor. The young get indoctrinated in the Rockefeller derived "education system" to the syllabus prescribed by the cabal for the cabal's interests and the students then stupidly believe that "capitalism" is failed and responsible for their plight. So with the marxists already in place in the colleges and universities the young students get indoctrinated with communism. 2020 was when the war truly surfaced but still today the vast majority of people are dumbed-down and utterly brainwashed, hence they wave Ukraine flags and cheer on Israel. Stupidity has no cure. The Rockefellers, just like the Rothschilds and all the other satanic bloodlines want to depopulate because their sick babylonian lifestyle that involves satanic ritual abuse, hunting games and so on are under serious threat by those few who have worked damn hard over the years, risking their life exposing it. Well done you guys. The cabal have used many honeypots to secure loyalty amongst seriously stupid people holding positions of power in government, police, courts, and every NGO, as the satanic dark entities pull their strings from the shadows. The cabal's Club of Rome were the satanic think-tank that dreamed up Climate Crisis yet the cabal and their deep-state have used weather warfare, HAARP, cloud seeding, chemtrails of Barium and Aluminium (Ba, Al ...Baal), they created the energy crisis the second the hid the free-energy of Nikola Tesla, instead the cabal created a hoax scarcity of oil, water, yet there is no scarcity, only an abundance. The cabal then goes one step further and blames the ordinary people for those "problems", but it is never the cabal or the deep-state who are expected to volunteer for a depopulation agenda such as Covid-19. This is why the leaders never took the covid shot, this is why all those hanged so far at Gitmo who worked for the CDC and FDA and the WHO never had the covid shot. Of course they wouldn't. I am sure I am not the only one on the planet who is sick and tired of trying to wake up those who the ancient gnostics referred to as the "Hylics".

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