The Sickness of the Indoctrination System.

1 year ago

Harvard has a Taylor Swift class????
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Have you ever noticed that the LGBTQAI+++++++++XYZ always push their bullshit agenda into the curriculum? Why is that? Socialist-Marxist ideology is rampant in the western "education system" or should I say indoctrination system and it's upheld by the political establishment that supports the deep-state and cabal. The students are not the brightest tools in the tool box which is why most of them got the covid jab, they have no idea that the education system was created by John D Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, and they have no idea that ideological subversion started to seep in in the 80's. Watch the video of Yuri Besmenov explaining this. These are the universities where secret societies are born, Yale with it's Skull & Bones 322, Oxford University with its Bullingdon Club. The world is run and governed by satanic psychopathic pedophiles, and to think people put themselves through years of university to come out as brainwashed lefty liberal freaks and heavily in debt. Taylor Swift??? Oh dear Lord, these lefties are going to go into a nuclear meltdown, soon, very soon. Buckle up.

Wake up.

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