Brave Man Jumps Into Freezing Waters In -76°F Weather

7 years ago

A bizarre video has emerged of a man jumping into freezing water in -76°F weather. Oymyakon, Russia is known as one of the coldest permanently inhabited locales on Earth, but that didn’t stop one guy from going for a causal swim!

Humans evolved in the warm tropics but eventually, our species began to scatter into cooler climes more than two million years ago. Yet even after all that time, we still need a lot of help surviving the bitterly cold.Thick gloves and puffy jackets can’t protect us against every frigid environment!

The wonderful landscape we see in this video gives us the impression of a winter wonderland, given everything around is covered in white. However, the water might be freezing but surprisingly it is not frozen.

What would make you jump into freezing cold waters? To save a loved one or a pet? How about just for fun? Footage shows a man coming out of a van wearing only his underwear in the freezing temperatures of only -76°F while a whole team is waiting for him to perform a daredevil jump in the freezing water.

The cold temperature makes this man scream his lungs out as he makes a brief pose for the camera and goes for his historic jump. First he dips his toes and feet into the freezing water and few moments later he takes a leap of faith and jumps in the water, while freezing waters cover his body.

Moments later, he jumps out of the water and rushes towards the van. We cannot help but wonder whether he lost a bet and had to take a swim in the freezing waters, or he did it just to show off his ability to endure frigid temperatures?

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