Turning The Lights On And Off Completely Baffles This Dog

7 years ago

This is the funny moment when an ignorant pooch is introduced to the power of power switch. Watch as the confused dog observes with caution as the lights go off and on, while sitting baffled on the living room couch! Adorable!

A curious dog being introduced to lights will definitely brighten your day. Vi is thoroughly confused by the light switch when it's turned on and off. The adorable pooch is completely mind-blown by the fast alternation between light and darkness in the room and his reaction to this new perspective is priceless.This pooch is gazing around the room, mesmerized by the occurrence.

Doggie looks puzzled by the strange light switch and tries to figure out how it happens! Turning his head to the left and to the right, the dog stands still, puzzled by the phenomenon! Adorable!

Just because your precious doggy shows high levels of intelligence, it doesn’t mean that it always understands the nature of things. This confused dog is the perfect example of that! Puzzled by the fast alternation between light and darkness, this lovely dog is struggling to find out how lights work, and how owner controls the darkness!

On the other hand, many dog owners have thought their pets how to use the light switch and be the masters of light and darkness in their homes. Teaching your pooch how to turn on and off the light switch can come in handy when you are feeling lazy. However, your pooch might take advantage of this privilege and turn on the lights in the middle of the night just for fun and have you fooled!

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