Colorado Secretary Of State Denounces Supreme Court's Disqualification Oral Argument

7 months ago

We have talked repeatedly about this claim that Trump is disqualified under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. Probably the best post to review on the subject is the one where we talked about the Supreme Court taking up the issue. In any case, on Thursday we heard the oral arguments on the subject and now we are waiting to hear the Supreme Court’s decision. We expect it to be what we would call ‘court fast.’ That is fast for a court, but not fast in the minds of most people. We wouldn’t be surprised if an opinion issued within a week. But we would guess the opinion would come out closer to a month from now. What will they decide? We listened to the argument and were pleasantly surprised to leave it thinking that we were looking at least eight votes to overturn and it might even be unanimous.

Which is terrible news for democracy or something, according to the Colorado Secretary of State: The Colorado Secretary of State is literally on the verge of tears after SCOTUS seems poised to strike down the Colorado ruling. “The drafters understood that an insurrectionist operating from within can destroy our democracy from within.” She needs to be impeached & removed. We won’t make the ‘we are a republic not a democracy’ type of argument. We know people have been harping on the difference between a republic and a democracy at least as far back as Federalist #10, but we think it is correct to call America a ‘constitutional representative democracy,’ which really is the same thing people are talking about when they say America is a Republic. But she is the one literally telling people that they shouldn’t be able to vote for the candidate of their choice, and as we pointed out previously, the Colorado Supreme Court had to engage in deception to make their argument, violating Donald Trump’s First Amendment Rights in order to violate everyone’s right to vote. The Colorado Secretary of State is basically arguing that we have to destroy democracy in order to save it. Literally even if Trump gets 99% of the popular vote and 100% of the electoral college, according to the Colorado Supreme Court and its secretary of state, Trump cannot be president.

Look, the reality is that our constitution is at times anti-democratic. Just about every part of the first eight amendments to the Constitution are anti-democratic to one degree or another. For instance, if more than half of Americans, more than half of Congress and the President of the United States all decided to make Mormonism the official religion of America, requiring all Americans to pay money directly to that church, they can’t get their way because of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. There is some debate over what that clause means in some cases, but there is no debate that it is at least designed to prevent that exact thing from happening and short of a constitutional amendment, or some other extreme event, it can’t happen in America. Likewise, if a majority of the American people wanted the sentence for jaywalking to be for a person to be hung, drawn and quartered, like what happened at the end of Braveheart, that wouldn’t be allowed because it would constitute cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the Eighth Amendment. This is an anti-democratic element of our Constitution and most people have no objection to it.

• More at: Twitchy - Col. Sec. of State Denounces SCOTUS’ Disqualification Oral Argument (and a Deep Dive Into the Argument)

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