Dr. Sherry Peel Jackson & Mel Carmine On The Future of The USA

1 year ago

Mel Carmine interviewed me and we talked about the future of our country and other important topics.

To purchase my books, mini-courses and consulting packages go here: SherryPeelJackson.com

About Me:
My name is Sherry Peel Jackson
I’m a simple traditional woman that speaks out about all types of injustice and how it effects the finances of everyday people across the globe. I’m a retired Certified Public Accountant and Certified Fraud Examiner, and a former IRS agent that came to the spotlight for telling people that the income tax is being misrepresented and misapplied to the American people. Taxation is theft, but the rabbit hole goes much deeper, and the very foundation of this country and the world is being destroyed by those that want to conquer us. I, for one, am not going to stop speaking out! I manage a financial consulting firm that helps people Keep, Protect and Grow what they earn so that they can ESCAPE THE RAT RACE! I’m also a budding Real Estate Developer managing properties in the U.S. and abroad.
I’m a mother and grandmother and I live in Stone Mountain, a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia. I’m a licensed minister, and I earned a Doctorate in Ministry - Christian Education in 2022. My dissertation was titled: Breaking The Chains of Feminism: The Christian Woman’s Journey Back to Biblical Femininity, which is an entirely different and controversial topic in itself.

About The Channel:
This channel is a place where I invite you to escape the rat race with me. So many are trapped on the hamster wheel of debt, doubt, and discouragement because they were caught in the system before they even knew what the system was. The system wants you to get your news and information from the mainstream media, but they are only feeding you what they want you to hear; fake news to keep you sick, broke, uninformed, and fearful. I’m showing you stories and solutions that may not ever be revealed in the MSM, and if they are, the prospective that I give will empower you and give you action points to help you and your family thrive. Occasionally there will be things that I need to say that will not pass muster on YT. In those cases, I’ll inform you where and when we will have those discussions. In the meantime, please listen, learn, and enjoy the content as I build up to posting relevant information a lot more often, and having livestreams once a week!

Scheduled Show Times:
Live -Sunday evenings at 6pm EST.
Various informative videos throughout the week.

Sponsored Videos Upon Request
One-on-One Coaching - email me @ connect@SherryPeelJackson.com

All donations are welcome:
Stripe: https://donate.stripe.com/14kaGn6jX7yvbN64gg
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/SherryPeelJackson
Cash App: $SherryPeelJackson

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