The Clarion Call Energy Vlog

11 months ago

The Clarion Call Energy Vlog title stems from the date February 10, 2024, sthus giving us # 20 The Judgement Card, With itws Clarion Call to wake the dead for Judgement dat at the end of an Aeon. It could also be said that the card reading on Elana Danna was a clarion call for all that make claim that they are theonloy source.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site showed us four amplitudes. the frist for the day was an amplitude power of 65 at 2:00AM UTC, thus giving us the High Priestess giving up her secrets to achieve true Justice. The second amplitude power of 60 at 3:45 AM UTC thus, the Hanged Man gives the Lover his changed perspective on sacrifice needed to have true love. The next amplitude power is 40 at 5:45 AM UTC thus, we have Temperance being suggested to the Emperor before he bombs Iran. The last amplitude power is a [power of 23 at 7:30 AM UTC thus, The Wheel of Fortune rolls up on the Hierophant to swamp his spiritual message with Karmic change. The quality power of 17 the star card tells us to be vulnerable or open when the star bring its clear vision of hope. The frequency average of 7.57 hertz tells us the Sun shine brightly down on us all we are all connected in this envelope of light.

We can say about it all that : The Judgement at the end of an age lkgives us hope of true Justice fair and balanced from the star nations and our own

Space Weather News site showed us a class C CME coming directly at us. lIt appears from the solar wind speed that it will take a day or two to get here. The KP) index Is in the low green zone no doubt from ourweakend magnetic fildcasu by the magnetico pooles coming together.

I also shared a bit of Dani interview of elena Danaan the supposed ambasoder from earth to the galactic federation of planets and the only one who can channel their Wisdom. Therefore, I pulled a cachina knife spread on her veracity. the card are as such: the querent card is the King of cups preceded by the High priestess in the past position it is opposed by the Tower and appears as the four of cups In the future or advice row we start with the Ace of Swords the nine of wand and the nine of cups the two clarifiers were the ten of wands nine of pentacles I read this as a warning to not trust every word out of her mouth or thatword sheattrivutes tothorhan her supposed knight in shining armor. there will come a tiem when she will overwhelmed ten of wand and will do a coorey Good to save her money.
She is Channeling just like any psychic and thus just as prone to error somewhere between sixty to ninety percent accurate depending on ho9w clear the channel is.
The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site
Space Weather News site:
Dani Henderson's interview of Elena Dannan:

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