VTI VOO LEU O SVXY BIG MARK FDP KTOS KOLD & More Trading Watchlists for the Week of 5/9 – 5/13/22

1 year ago

In Part 2 of this week’s [BeachBum Weekly Trading Game Plan] for the Trading Week of 5/9 – 5/13/22, we share our Thesis, [Price Targets], [Trading Strategy] etc. for and updates to the Symbols / Tickers in our Trading Watchlists for the Trading Week of 5/9 – 5/13/2022, including: VTI VOO LEU O SVXY BIG MARK FDP KTOS KOLD & More. We also discuss updates to our Bullpen Stocks, ETFs and [Shopping List] Watchlists, based on the [Market Analysis], [Trading Strategies], Themes, etc. provided in Part 1 of [The BeachBum Weekly Trading Game Plan] for the Trading Week of 5/9 – 5/13/2022 including how you Survive & [Make Money] from [The Trading Pit & Pendulum], [How To Make Money amid Rising Interest Rates], [How To Make Money from a Bear Market] & how you [Don't Fight the Fed] & [Don't Fight the Tape] & how to [Make Money] Trading in any Market environment.

Please Join us every week for help in preparing your weekly trading game plan.

Please also Join us in the BeachBum Trading Community by Subscribing to the BeachBum Trading YouTube Channel at: https://www.youtube.com/c/BeachBumTrading?sub_confirmation=1 and Please Click the Bell Icon so that You are Notified and Never Miss an Episode of BeachBum Trading.

✅ Webull – Get 2 (or More) FREE stocks with Webull https://bit.ly/3jKfvw5
✅ E*TRADE – Use our link and we both get rewarded! https://bit.ly/3zP6rvB
✅ Public Investing – Get free stock https://bit.ly/3M5eACK

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00:00 - Welcome
01:02 - Blood in the Streets
02:01 - Trade Updates
06:52 - Watchlist Updates
16:28 - Bullpen Updates
26:15 - VOO & VTI
31:07 - Shopping List
33:08 - BeachBum Trading Sites
33:56 - Discord Invite

The Trading Pit & Pendulum [BeachBum Trading] [Weekly Trading Game Plan] for 5/9 – 5/13/22 | Part 1 https://youtu.be/n54sqoaeW-Y
What do You Do When there is Blood in the Streets? | [Trading Game Plan] for 2/28 – 3/4/2022 | Part 1 https://youtu.be/tUONFfleaF8
VOO vs VTI vs VT | Which is the Best Index Fund ETF to Buy? | How To Compare ETFs | ETF Tutorial https://youtu.be/0aE0sekD7oM
KTOS STAG DTEA DRV OBCI MJ LEU SVXY VOO & More Trading Watchlists for the Week of 5/2 – 5/6/22 https://youtu.be/mX2W5BeRmTk
PETS - PetMed Express - Is PETS a Stock to Buy Now? - Due Diligence [DD] [as of 09/17/2021] https://youtu.be/irEvkNEdR80
Is ROKU a Stock to Buy Now? - [BeachBum Trading] [Due Diligence] [DD] as of 11/28/2021 https://youtu.be/plIoYFZSp9U
How To Sell Covered Call Options in E*TRADE https://youtu.be/8_tUGOYc35I
How To Maintain a Watchlist from the Stocks screen in Webull https://youtu.be/hF8Zx51PikQ

Please also See all of our previous Beachbum Trading Weekly Game Plans in our Game Plans Playlist at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH_4RiO370FPNqf_AZT1AX4DYqjc97-Fl

Please Get/See "Realtime" [Trade Alerts] from/in our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/BeachBumTrading and/or in the Channels under the ALERTS Category of our BeachBum Trading Community Discord Server at https://discord.gg/BXTE6bdkmZ

Please Find/See intra-week Updates to our Watchlists from/in our:
Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/BeachBumTrading and/or in
The #-stock-watchlist-updates Channel at: https://discord.com/channels/924687515703722024/944144962495315978 of our BeachBum Trading Community Discord Server at https://discord.gg/BXTE6bdkmZ

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#BeachBumTrading #Trading #Watchlist

Please also Join Us in the New BeachBum Trading Community Discord Server at https://discord.gg/BXTE6bdkmZ

Please also Visit BeachBum Trading's New Home Page at http://BeachBmTrading.com

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