Tender bamboo curry recipe | ಕಣಿಲೆ/ಎಳೆಯ ಬಿದುರಿನ ಪಾಕ | How to use bamboo shoots | Kanile recipe

11 months ago

Tender bamboo curry recipe | ಕಣಿಲೆ/ಎಳೆಯ ಬಿದುರಿನ ಪಾಕ | How to use tender bamboo | Kanile recipe

Special Thanks to
Prasad Bhat Kadambila

Hi, this is the season of Tender bamboos and there is a habit of eating tender bamboos atleast once in a year. Eating tender bamboos in the rainy season is good for health. It balances the heat of our body. The nature gives the best food according to the season. So this is available only during rainy season. Only the white part of it can be used in the food and it needs to be peeled off properly. chopped pieces are soaked in water for 3-4 days to remove it's odd smell. Then the pieces are cooked. Usually we add sprouted nuts or jackseeds with this curry. Spices are added without frying, and ground finely with grated coconut. At the end, ground paste is added with cooked pieces and boiled well. Then tempering is added. This curry is eaten with rice, chapathi, dosa etc.

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