Why Stephen Hawking Lived a Good Life Until 76 on a Ventilator with Tracheostomy!

11 months ago


Why Stephen Hawking Lived a Good Life Until 76 on a Ventilator with Tracheostomy!

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In this week’s blog I want to share

Why Stephen Hawking lived a good life until 76 on a ventilator with tracheostomy!

Last month Stephen Hawking, the world-famous scientist passed away at the age of 76.

Most people know that Stephen Hawkins had MND or Motor Neuron Disease which he was first diagnosed with at the young age of 21 when he was still at university.

The diagnosis gradually paralysed him over decades until in 1984 he developed a Pneumonia.

He ended up in Intensive Care and rather than prematurely ending his valuable and precious life, he ended up with a tracheostomy and became ventilator dependent for the majority of his remaining life.

This required a different approach in his around the clock care he required going forward, in order to leave Intensive Care and improve his quality of life.

Stephen Hawkins required 24/7 Intensive Home Care nursing and that’s what kept him alive for decades.

Stephen Hawkins was an inspiration for many and he had many gifts to give to the world!

Thankfully he was able to continue giving his gifts to the world because he was kept alive by mechanical ventilation and Intensive Care nurses!

He was looked after 24/7 how anybody on a ventilator and tracheostomy needs to be looked after to stay alive and leave Intensive Care, with Registered Intensive Care nurses at home!

Stephen Hawkins therefore was able to complete his life’s work and his life’s mission despite his perceived limitations!

This is what we do at INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME.

We give our clients and their families a chance to live a full life at home despite their perceived limitations!

We get our clients out of Intensive Care faster, reduce the cost of an ICU bed by 50%, free up a highly sought after ICU/PICU bed and provide quality of life for our clients and their families!

We do it according to best international practice the MECHANICAL HOME VENTILATION GUIDELINES and best practice clearly evidences that the only way ventilated Patients should leave Intensive Care and go home is with ICU nursing care...

Continue reading at: https://intensivecareathome.com/why-stephen-hawking-lived-a-good-life-until-76-on-a-ventilator-with-tracheostomy/

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