jealous cat

1 year ago

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Based on the search results, a description for a "funny jealous cat" could be:

Cats, just like humans, can also exhibit jealousy. This can be caused by various factors such as the introduction of a new pet in the household or a change in routine due to a new family member. Here are some signs that your cat may be feeling jealous:

Increased aggression: If your cat starts to become more aggressive, such as biting or scratching you or other animals, it may be feeling jealous.
Inappropriate elimination: Cats that are feeling jealous may start to urinate or defecate outside of the litter box as a way to express their displeasure.
Increased affection: On the flip side, some cats may become more clingy and affectionate when they are feeling jealous, as they do not want to lose your attention.
Marking territory: Cats may also start to mark their territory more frequently by scratching or spraying when they are feeling jealous.
Avoidance: Some cats may become more standoffish and avoid interacting with you or other animals when they are feeling jealous.
It's important to show your cat that you still love and care for them, even if there are changes in the household. This may involve spending extra time with them, providing them with extra attention and affection, and maintaining their regular routine as much as possible.

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