The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report in History – Peter St Onge, Ph.D.

7 months ago

Dr. Onge says that the jobs report was FAKE.

The January 2024 jobs report says that there were 353,000 jobs added in January.,3.7%25%20from%20the%20month%20before.

This was DOUBLE the Wall Street consensus.

Well, Wall Street doesn’t get it this wrong and soon enough all of Wall Street will know we are dealing fake data coming from EVERYWHERE to keep this house of cards up for a little longer before this same government that says we are doing so well decides come clean and pull a foundation card out from the bottom.

Bureau of Labor Statisticians deliberately fudged up the numbers. They slashed the work week. Instead of going with the normal 40 hour work week, they slashed it down to 34 hours. They do this shit in clinical studies all of the time when they want a good headliner to make their stock go up, I was an investor and saw this kind of stuff all the time, then at a later time there is a hitpiece written and the stock tanks so the short sellers rake in the big bucks, leaving the science believing idiots who didn’t read the find print holding the bag.

I believe they are setting the entire economy up, using similar tactics.

So, they cut the 40 hour work week to 34.5 hours. There is no way to sugar coat this; this is just FRAUD. This is the government telling the Bureau of Labor Statisticians to get creative and make this number meet our Desired Outcome, because this is what we have already planned to feed to the public.

It is Government Deception 101.

Most of the jobs being created that are actually full time Government Jobs.

How convenient for when the conniving gov decides to crash the economy when they say they are insolvent and can no longer pay the bills.

It’s a guarantee to bring it all down because during the past 30 years they have been creating government jobs left and right.

Lying is not a new thing here, but the grandiosity of the lies are. The lies used to be easy to just put under the rug and never be noticed. Not any more. Now, they are becoming obvious.

Instead of of educating everyone on how to use their own creativity to form their own business, they given them loans they will never be able to pay back to go to college and teach them how to work for a government funded job. It’s a win – win for the gov and the people are just being led to the cliff and waiting for the jump command.

A lot of these government funded jobs are backdoor funding for all the illnesses that the pharma industry is causing, like Alzheimer’s, Autism and ADHD and they label the funding “Special Needs.”

From census reports it is estimated that HALF of these jobs do not exist. In fact, it may be much, much worse than that as other indicators are there was a LOSS of jobs, not a gain of over 300,000.

If the jobs report was true and accurate the normal thing they would do is cut interest rates.

The real data suggest that the jobs people are taking are SECOND part time jobs just to so they can pay their rent and buy their food due to INFLATION.

The truth is that the Private Sector is SHRINKING and the Government sector is EXPANDING.

Is capitalism gaining strength or is communism gaining strength?

That is a No Brainer.

We are losing our country that was founded on Capitalism, Entrepreneurship and Creativity.

Peter says that there has been ZERO growth since 2018 and the real growth has been Foreign born.

How can this data be so far off?

Seasonal Adjustment. This just means that more workers are hired for a temporary time – like for Christmas or during a characteristic peak demand period for a specific corporation or agency, like a tax firm.

In short, the Government is feeding conspicuous data to the media and the media is spewing it out as being true.

It’s FAKE NEWS as usual.

About Peter:

Peter St Onge is a Research Fellow in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies and the Mark A. Kolokotrones Fellow in Economic Freedom at The Heritage Foundation. He holds a PhD in Economics from George Mason University and a bachelor's degree in Economics and Political Science from McGill University.



Here are a Few More Financial Videos:

1. ***CBDC – Will CBDC be Imposed by Emergency – David Knight interviews Aaron Day

2. Maria Zeee & Ed Dowd – Jobs report is a Complete Joke – They are Cooking the Books – It’s Fraudulent

3. ***Dr. Jim Willie – Major Government Financial Crisis set up for 2024 – This is Scary!

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END. 2/10/2024.

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