Assange, Omar, Yang; The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (Reupload 2019)

11 months ago

Still pretty good, again not an actor but I tried. I know now UBI is retarded because it just empties buckets of water out of the sinking ship but if we are already doing that... maybe a way to slow it down. idk. Debate me about it. OG Description;

Thanks for the subs and the views! I have had a lot of work lately so my uploads are sparse, thanks for stickin around!

Assange should have just reported on things but he is at least on the right track.
Omar should get with the program or get a one way ticket somewhere else.
Yang is also on the right track about some things but should shut up about guns.

Someone who speaks Mandarin, please tell me what Gweilo Chichi translates to!

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