Paul & His Band of Brothers | Galatians 1:1

1 year ago

[Paul, an apostle] ...and all the brothers who are with me, to the churches of Galatia. — Galatians 1:2


CALL OUT: Shout out today to Jeffrey Brewer from Festus, MO. Thanks for your financial support and partnership in the Gospel.

I love Paul's opening declaration: "All the brothers who are with me."

I love it because it draws attention to the unique spiritual relationship believers have with each other, even in and through challenging moments of our lives.

You know, if we were honest with one another, we would probably all admit that we have felt lonely at some point in the past week. There was at least one moment where you encountered a relational challenge or lonely moment that drew your attention to your need for relational connection. The best part of being a believer is not only a restored relationship with God but the fact that we are now part of a spiritual family that is made for connection to one another.

Let me illustrate.

I talk to believers all over the country and the world. Most of the time, it's a believing man looking for direction or guidance. And I can talk with him and immediately feel a deep spiritual connection. It's often so immediately strong that if someone were to overhear it, they would assume that we have been friends for years.

This is the nature of spiritual relationships. Believers are brothers and sisters because we are children of a Heavenly Father. This is the status assigned to us by God and made possible through Jesus. It is established by the nature of spiritual rebirth, not by physical birth. Therefore, by the nature of our relationship with the Father, we have an instant family with brothers and sisters who share in both the challenges of our sin and the power of God's grace.

But here's the deal. We have to pursue these relationships. We have to put ourselves in the community of faith and in the family of God.

I hear complaints all the time about church and pastors and all the issues and challenges that go with it. I think Paul would even complain about the problems in the church. In fact, this little letter was one addressing a bunch of problems in the church. But Paul also understood that these challenges did not exclude him from the brotherhood. Instead, it was the reason he leaned into it and addressed it. He knew relationships in Christ with the family of Christ were the evidence for the faith and the wonderful reason to pursue it.

So, if you are not pursuing relationships in the body of Christ, change that today. Reach out to a believing brother and share your spiritual need for ongoing relationships, get plugged into a church, or even lead a group and create the brotherhood that you know you need. Take a risk, and be courageous because God did not design us to do his life and this family alone.

#SpiritualConnection #ChristianCommunity #BrotherhoodInFaith #BelongingInChrist #BuildingSpiritualFamily


How can you actively pursue deeper relationships within the body of Christ this week, whether through reaching out to a believer, getting involved in a church community, or initiating a small group?
Reflect on a time when you felt the power of a spiritual connection with another believer. How can you cultivate and nurture more of these meaningful relationships in your life?

DO THIS: Take one step toward building brotherhood.

PRAY THIS: Father, thank you for the gift of spiritual family and the deep connections we share as brothers and sisters in Christ. Help me to actively seek and nurture these relationships, drawing strength and encouragement from the community you've placed me in. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Brother.

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