The Resurrection and the Sabbath

1 year ago

Christ rose on the 16th of Nisan which was a Sunday at that time. The 16th is not always a Sunday. So whence cometh the excuse for exalting every Sunday to the point where some even call it "the new sabbath"? Christ never commanded us to keep Sunday as a holy day in honour of His Resurrection. The only day God commands us to keep holy is His seventh day- Sabbath which He kept holy too( Exodus 20:8-11; Genesis 2:1-3; Luke 4:16). Only Christ can give Life- physical life into the body and the gift of Spiritual life given at conversion. Christ is indeed the Resurrection and the Life. Genuine Sabbath keeping shows that we have accepted that New Life( Spiritual life) and are waking in the newness of life as the Resurrection symbolizes. Learn more.

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