Greg Reese: Psyop Tucker Carlson & WEF 'Young Global Leader' Vladimir Putin 'Interview'!

7 months ago

Greg Reese: 30 Years of Russia Seeking Peace with the West...

Note: Me: HAHAHA :)

And when Greg Reese 'recomend' to watch this interview, as he do, does he then Trust these two Controlled Opposition Psyops?

So in my opinion Greg Reese is also a Controlled Opposition Psyop!

"The Best Lies Contain The Most Truth!" - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

'The Best Way to Control the Opposition, is to Lead it Ourselves!' - Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)

"Listen to Everyone, Read Everything and Believe Absolutely Nothing... Unless You Can Prove It in Your Own Research!" - William 'Bill' Cooper R.I.P (1943-2001)

To all people who wanna know why ALL WARS are 'made', Fucking watch and research these videos below.

And about Russia, Fucking Research Yuri Bezmenov a Former KGB Defector, what he said in 1984 and forward!

Yuri Bezmenov 1984 KGB Defector: 'Ideological Subversion' [1984]
2 years, 2 months ago -

Showing 10 of 21 matches of Yuri Bezmenov

And did Vladimir Putin Push the 'Vaccine' to his People, for a 'Virus' that NEVER been scientifically 'isolated' and does NOT Exists?

Wake the Fuck up People they are ALL 'working' together, just like here in Denmark...
Who Control and Rule the World? - And Why?

A short Playlist!

JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick! (2014)(Reloaded)

Who Control and Rule the World? The Scariest Movie Ever Made by KJOzborne [2007-2020]

Fall Cabal [Part 1-10] Who Control and Rule the World? (Reloaded) [15.04.2020]

Who Control and Rule the World? Wake up to the Truth! [02.03.2021]

Who Control and Rule the World? The Jesuits Priesthood of Absolute Evil Exposed! [31.12.2016]
Greg Reese 77,124 views · Feb 9, 2024

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