i wish more people were any kinda self-aware *cranium camera crew, ptsd spectrum

1 year ago

bad decisions...
it's okay to be a failure some of the time
easier to run away n blame somebody/anybody but you
yours truly is an exercise in self-flagellation
imagine my frustration w/ america
man i sound like ani difranco, this makes me sublimely happy *i forgive her feminism
social networks magnify our need to be liked (or in some cases, disliked)
we're easily manipulated via identity
i do this in a bigger picture kinda way
always pointing at the general public
i expect my sub count to go back down x2
eventually i'll say sumin that will make you frown
those that talk shit keep comin back around
these are mainly internet people tho
at least you were honest w/ em
they're missing a ballsack to say what needs to be said (not ag)
i don't feel dead, i feel way more alive than the general public
trying to ignore people that bother me
those w/ the govt in their pocket (most of em)
i'm a giant tree branch on the outside
so lucky that i saw this avalanche in advance
if only i could see accidents or my credit score in advance
$ mgmt should be sumin i fuckin visualize
i don't throw food away anymore, thankyou Lord
the things that i've done i've had to confront
backwards, forwards...depersonalization
i can count on one hand the amt of times that i had sex n didn't wanna kill myself haha
very anti-pc to either not want, not need, or not enjoy sex
a lotta people need to bring children into this world
the whole point is creating as much as possible
my friend's kid is in a bad situation cos the relationship still doesn't work
all these people are fucked up cos of their single mom or divorced parents
accurate observations if they offend

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