NZ Covid Inquiry Lead Speaking on Mask Effectiveness

1 year ago

Tony Blakely, the NZ government's current pick for Chair of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Covid-19, is a strong advocate of healthy people wearing masks. Here's Blakely in July 2020, citing a WHO-commissioned meta-study on the effectiveness of face masks that was published in The Lancet in June 2020. This study was instrumental in shifting global face mask policy in the middle of 2020. However, critics of the study, which claimed a risk reduction of 80% with face masks, say it is seriously flawed on several levels and it should have been retracted.

The more I see of this guy, the more he reminds me of Otago University (Wellington)'s Professor Michael Baker, who would also cite this same flawed study when he was pushing masks.

Criticism on the Lancet Study here:


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