Best of Mike in the NIGHT! , Next weeks News Today , Voice of the Commonwealth

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I need to Take a Break. It's taking a toll on me Mentally and Physically I have completed 545 Episodes of Mike in the Night! Doing this Religiously since 2017 every Saturday Like Clockwork the voice of the Commonwealth! , We have Taken in thousands of your calls and points of views and perspectives on where the world is heading . 
Unfortunately its been really hard to see the "Real Influencers" Regurgitating your own word salads back to you and predictions and speaking points and specific original points of view.  and not receiving a single PLug in 12 Years 
Its been taking a massive financial toll on me. I average 33 cents an episode of Mike in the nIght while all these new POst covid heroes have taken the scene and tell you how it is and are here to save the day  and they  make a great living at it ! 
No Platform Support -- Not a single Platform wants to push or support us , or even help us be found, I MEAN ALL PLATFORMS ! , Freedom of speech without freedom of Reach ya that was coined on here also. 
Here is a link to our YT - you can see the 5k videos and 1422 live streams we did , we talk YEARS AGO about the current inflation crisis, Housing Crisis , Amerifornia , Food wars, Floride in the water, they will pull the trigger on a pandemic, weather mods, arson season , money laundering , CCP shock troops, exposing what governments are planning before its initiated.

I feel I have done my best in bringing you the truth , I love you guys very much ! Take Care if you can't Stay Safe 
Mike Martins Here ! I Have Spoken

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