The Seed Of Generations

1 year ago

The final kingdom of destruction is both clay and iron. But what does that really mean? Unfortunately, not a lot of good things come out of this when you compare it to the allegory's of the old and new testaments. Get ready!

Think about it, the clay is a representation of the soft hearted people and the iron the people of a hard heart - this is describing the dichotomy of the woman and the serpent of Genesis 3.

These two sides are opposing, but the final kingdom of Daniel 2 and Revelation 13 will see the serpent and woman joined together in an effort to wipe the elect, the church from the face of the earth.

The elect are a very small part of the worlds people, a small and peculiar nation.

By allegory the rich man whom Jesus told to sell all of his goods and Pilate are both prime examples of people who formally are of the clay, but under pressure join with the side of evil.

Enjoy watching.

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