UK Government set to poison your water!

8 months ago

There are some important features to note:
1) Only a licenced dentist or doctor, after a fully informed consultation, with the patient individually, can prescribe a medical or dental intervention.
2) It is well known that fluoride is neurotoxic, there is no safe levels and this is further evidence of the crimes being inflicted upon the British/English peoples
3) Note the following;
(a) The Kalergi Plan - eradication of the white people
(b) The Deagle Report 2018 - the mass depopulation/genocide of people
(c) The NASA document - Silent weapons for quiet wars; biological weapons, 5G, wifi, radiation, extreme taxation = homelessness, malnourishment, starvation etc.
The People have not consented to any of this. The Crimes against humanity are clear, they are shown in the acts of parliament, government anti-people policy, Defra policy to end farming (policy is not law) every member of parliament is culpable, every Dr, Nurse, other health professional, policeman or woman, teacher, social worker, clerk of the justice, magistrate, judge who support these inhumane policy's and Acts are guilty of corporate manslaughter, and murder in their own liability.

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