British TV host Russell Brand on Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin:

8 months ago

💬 The reason that the legacy media are terrified and quaking is because this could lead to populist uprising and rejection of their myth.
Everything I know about Russia I know, because of the legacy media. I've been propagandized, and you've been propagandized. But thank God, now we can debug ourselves!
Russell, you're most welcome to come visit Russia! 🤗 🇷🇺
About the photo:
20M impressions is absolutely insane.
Seems many are craving an alternative perspective after being lied to for so long.
This is what the MSM and their puppet masters were afraid of when Elon bought Twitter. They knew truth would gain traction and their lies would crumble.
Note: I am not the producer of this content. I only provide the content for your entertainment. I'm not here to get likes or even followers but very pleased if you do.
If you see that I have posted a false or incorrect content PLEASE let me know.
ThankQ, AlgorythemQ
PS I haven't monetized my channel yet but when I get to 500 followers I might...
The Founding Fathers did not create the government to ban your gas stove or to provide sex change operations for the military.
The government exists to protect our God given rights, not to regulate every micro detail of our lives.
“This country, America, has been around for over 240 years and we have never had one president who was assassinated by a person with no ties to the U.S. government.”
The Vladimir Putin Interview:
Repeat a LIE often enough and it becomes ISRAEL.
This is the perfect explanation I have ever heard of the lies that the so called "Christians" have been believing all their lives....
Just to get away from reality. Fantastic link.

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