U.S. Propaganda Landscape Exposed

8 months ago

There’s a whole generation of people who have lived "in the box," as I call it. By "the box," I mean the Internet, of course. In fact, they've never known a time when information had to be gathered elsewhere by reading books and doing their own independent research.
Meanwhile, the ruling class who wants to control the information we all see know that if they can control only a few basic sources like Google, X, Facebook, and Wikipedia, then they'll have a virtual lock on information, because we've all been funneled to those few online sources, which was the goal of the U.S. Intelligence apparatus which funded those sites at start-up. Therefore, because a whole lot of people now get pretty much get all of their information through the Internet, it's very easy for the ruling class to push their "official" narratives (a.k.a. propaganda) using these handfull of resources. The so called "Twitter Files" ought to be sufficient evidence of this fact..
I tell people all the time, when you go online and you’re looking at Fakebook and everybody’s saying things that you don’t agree with, or they try to shame how you feel or think, don’t buy into it. Understand that you may actually be in the majority, and that you likely have been a victim of a military grade psychological warfare (PSYWAR) operation that being waged against you by a criminal, illegitimate government and the power structure that brought that government to power in the first place.
U.S. PSYWAR Operations Against You

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