Putin exposes the so called `west`...

8 months ago

Putin tells us what really happened in the Ukraine. How the west`s so called `intelligence` agencies namely the CIA and MI5 etc run the vassal governments of the USA, UK and EU. It`s clear our elected leaders don`t act in a way which improves lives for their own citizens, or in the interests of their own countries, but they act in a way that the CIA dictates they should behave.The CIA cleverly wraps its puppets in the garb of democracy and pretends to bring `democracy` to the world. The people are deceived into thinking they`re voting for their interests but in reality they`re voting for the interests of the clowns foisted on them by the CIA, and the interests of the CIA. Take for example that chief clown Boris Johnson, who was elected by the british people to further the interests of the UK, and improve the lives of the british, why was he getting involved in Ukraine? He was sent by the CIA. And it`s clear all the `leaders` of the so called `west` do Not have the interests of their own people at heart, another example is the puppet leading Germany! He agreed to allow his country to be cut off from Russian gas and oil! How was that helping the Germans? The world of the so called `west` is run by the CIA and its puppet agencies worldwide, but who controls the `intelligence agencies` and secret societies worldwide? The leader of the Jesuits, otherwise known as the Black Pope. Check out the jesuit Oath, it`s horriffic! And what do they want? The total enslavement of the entire world.
The question is, however: why are so many western nations always trying to destroy Russia or any nation that doesn`t go along with their instructions? First of all, we must understand that these western nations are controlled by the Deep State or Cabal. This is a global network of astronomically wealthy entities who manipulate governments towards a one- world state under their rule. Once we understand this, we can find the answer to why they are trying to destroy any country that doesn`t bow down to their dictates.

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