Young Mr. Lincoln (1939) | Directed by John Ford

11 months ago

"Young Mr. Lincoln" is a biographical drama film released in 1939, directed by John Ford. The movie presents a fictionalized account of the early life and career of Abraham Lincoln, focusing on his years as a young lawyer in Illinois before his presidency. The film portrays Lincoln's emergence as a skilled attorney, his commitment to justice, and his unwavering dedication to the principles of equality and freedom. As Lincoln navigates the complexities of law and politics, he becomes a symbol of hope and inspiration for a nation grappling with its own divisions and struggles.

"Young Mr. Lincoln" is a masterful depiction of one of America's most iconic figures, skillfully brought to life by John Ford's direction and Henry Fonda's mesmerizing performance in the titular role. The film captures the essence of Lincoln's character—his wit, integrity, and compassion—while exploring the moral dilemmas and challenges he faced on his path to greatness. Fonda's portrayal exudes authenticity and humanity, revealing the depth of Lincoln's convictions and the profound impact of his leadership. Supported by a talented ensemble cast and richly textured storytelling, "Young Mr. Lincoln" stands as a timeless tribute to a towering figure in American history.

Cast List:
- Henry Fonda as Abraham Lincoln
- Alice Brady as Abigail Clay
- Marjorie Weaver as Mary Todd Lincoln
- Arleen Whelan as Sarah Clay
- Eddie Collins as Efe Turner
- Pauline Moore as Ann Rutledge
- Richard Cromwell as Matt Clay
- Donald Meek as Prosecutor John Felder
- Judith Dickens as Jane
- Eddie Quillan as Adam Clay
- Spencer Charters as Judge Herbert A. Bell
- Ward Bond as John Palmer Cass
- Milburn Stone as Stephen A. Douglas
- Richard Cromwell as Matt Clay
- Francis Ford as Sheriff Billings

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