The Nephilim Enigma: Unveiling Ancient Mysteries

1 year ago

The Nephilim Enigma: Unveiling Ancient Mysteries | The Pre-Flood World | Genesis 6:4

Fallen angels and their offspring, the nephilim, have knowledge of the ages,
Slowly, inexplicably major advances in technology come, as if someone is slowly releasing the knowledge to mankind. Consider Sumeria 6000 years ago, how did thousands of years before the invention of the telescope did the Sumerians know the number and relative sizes of the planets, many of which cannot be seen with the naked eye? How did we suddenly go from two hundred thousand years of no tools and only crude tools of stone and wood, immediately, suddenly, to the science and astronomy, art, bi-cameral legislature, engineering, and other firsts found in the Sumerian civilization, the keyword is IMMEDIATELY. It’s like things stood still for two hundred thousand years, then in a instant, overnight, things are introduced, things which human beings could not have known prior to the telescope which would not be invented until 1609 by Galileo. Other Sumerian firsts included writing, arithmetic, geometry, irrigation, astronomy, the oldest known law code, the concept of a bi-cameral legislature, and other things, characteristics of modern day civilizations today, as if suddenly introduced by a “guiding hand” by fallen angels and nephilim. The Sumerian annunaki later became the biblical nephilim mentioned in Genesis 6:4.

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