Chickens happily enjoy a feast on farm in Kenya, Africa

1 year ago

Naomy is a hardworking farmer who lives in Kenya, Africa. She rents a small plot of land where she grows corn, beans, carrots and a few other crops. She uses the harvest to feed her family and she sells the extra vegetables at the market to make a few dollars. She also raises a few cows, goats and chickens to put food on the table. This is a good way to use any of the scraps or spoiled vegetables that cannot be eaten by her family.
Here, we see what happens when the chickens are set free in the morning and their breakfast is set out. The chickens know the routine and they run for the food to get their share as quickly as they can. They squawk and peck happily at the beans, corn, strawberries and greens that she provides them.
Noamy lives with her grandparents who raised her from childhood. She cares for them and also for her adopted son, Emmanuel who helps Naomy with the chores. Ten year old Emmanuel records the sights and the animals around his home with an old phone and his videos are uploaded here, providing the family with a few extra dollars per month. The average wage in Kenya is less than $100 per month and this resourceful family works very hard to stretch each dollar as far as it will go.
Emmanuel is currently attending school, which is a luxury in his village because the cost of schooling is unaffordable for most people. Emmanuel's videos have been helping him keep up with the cost of lessons, meaning that this 10 year old is actually running a little videography business to pay his way through school.
If anyone would like to assist Naomy and Emmanuel, donations are gratefully accepted through this link.
Further info is also available through David McNab at

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