7 months ago

They say that red meat is bad for you, and that’s not true! Its almost the opposite. We have been trained and programmed to believe it’s bad.

Some peope do very well on a Carnivore diet.

Others do very well on a Plant based diet.

Some people have their reasons why they cannot eat red meat.

Others have lived on fruits and veggies and they have become very undernourished. So they add meat back into their diet, and they feel amazing.

And then others are suffering terribly after many years of plant based.

I’ve even heard stories of people having a lot of colon problems from plant based. Why? Because their fiber intake is so high, that they are passing gas all day and pooping all day. That is no way to live!

They add meat to their diet and their health immediately improves!

And many times they have to go all meat with just a little fruit and it can do wonders for many people.

Some have to go all meat to fix everything. Through an elimination diet.
And then that works.

So it just depends on the person.

Some people do very well on veggies!

Where veggies have been hurting a lot of people’s health for a long time. Even if this group is large and very out spoken.

I have seen tons of these interviews on videos. Vegetarians are going back to red meat in order to fix their health.
Yup you heard what I said.
Many people will not except this!

So if we look at this down to the raw categories, depending on where you land:

The magical formula are 3 types of foods which most people can and do florish on.

And they are:

Fruits, Veggies, seeds, & nuts.


Meat, Chicken, Fish, & Eggs

There is much more foods to add to this list, but this is the basis for which everything else springs.

And it all depends on the person and how they mix and match this list based on how they feel and through an elimination diet.

But what all people can agree with whether we are plant based, carnivore, or both is that the enemy of our health is:

Bad carbs,
added Sugar,
& Seed Oils!!!

Everyone agrees on this!
Why? Because bad carbs, added sugars, & Seed oils are toxic to our health and these 3 are destroying lives every day!!

Then you add a 16-18 hour fast to the list above and you can see magic happen in your health and life!!!

So we will either run on glucose or we will be fat adapted thru meat protein that includes fat.

Have a great day!

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