Shiny Happy People Lies Continue with Brooke Arnold PART 1 - IBLP, Gothard

1 year ago

One of the main characters in Shiny Happy People, Duggar Family Secrets docuseries hit piece on Amazon Prime was Brooke Arnold. Her stories are full of misrepresentations and lies that are easily discovered with little digging.

Did the producers really look into the claims she made or did they just take her word for it in everything she said? OR, did they purposefully allow these lies and misrepresentations to air because they fit their agenda of slamming Christianity and homeschooling by using IBLP, Gothard and Duggar family slander to feed their narrative?

That is unknown, but it is for sure that Brooke Arnold is telling things that are simply untrue in her interview in Shiny Happy People and elsewhere when she gives her account on other venues.

For more information about the documentary Shiny SLANDER, visit or

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