Family Murdered - "The Illicit Fentanyl Poisoning of Jessica Geraghty"

10 months ago

Jessica was murdered. It wasn’t gun violence. She was poisoned. She was poisoned with the number one killer in America for her age group. Kat Orr, State Rep for SC Drug Induced Homicide Chapter joins us to talk about Illicit Fentanyl and the fight to pass legislation and stop this crisis in America.

Jessica was poisoned with Illicit Fentanyl. Illicit Fentanyl is not the Fentanyl prescribed by doctors that are controlled. Illicit fentanyl is produced by black market dealers.

According to a State House Report article, “The chemicals that make up illicit fentanyl are made in China and exported to Mexico where they are mixed to manufacture synthetic fentanyl... Traffickers are pressing fentanyl into fake prescription drugs… They don’t have any regard to how many people they may kill.”

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