Is this the news that hands the Rochdale election to George Galloway?

7 months ago

Will recent revelations about the Rochdale by-election Labour candidate's past hand victory to George Galloway on a plate?
Right, so the Rochdale by-election, it’s getting a fair amount of attention on social media if only cursory mention in the mainstream press mainly because this is Labour’s seat to lose and it looks very much like they may well do that, despite being in the run up to a General Election this year, 14 years out of power and really should be increasing the size of majorities in held seats instead of facing losing them, it really does make a mockery of national polls and the huge lead Labour is enjoying, it’s worth about as much as one of Keir Starmer’s policy pledges.
The main opposition to Labour in this election, the anti Starmer vote is very much the Workers Party of Great Britain leader George Galloway, himself no stranger to controversy, but with Labour getting heckled, their candidate getting rubbished publicly and given the significant Muslim vote playing it’s part in this by election, things look bad for Labour, but if anything is guaranteed to get the backs of many people up, this latest piece of news concerning Labour’s candidate might just hand this seat Galloway for certain.
Right, so the Rochdale by-election, triggered by the sad passing of the Labour MP Tony Lloyd, who won the seat for Labour under Jeremy Corbyn in 2017, all despite the former Labour MP Simon Danczuk, having been suspended pending a Labour investigation into reports he had been sexting with a 17 year old. He was nearly 50 at the time. This resulting in his suspension from the party, he was barred from standing in the 2017 snap election called by Theresa May, having shamelessly stayed in post as an independent. He stood as an independent in that 2017 election, having quit the Labour Party shortly beforehand and came fifth. He swore he’d never stand again, yet lo and behold, he’s a candidate for Rochdale once more, this time standing for Reform UK. That’s quite a swerve to the right, but in his case perhaps not and showing frankly Reform will take anybody.
Now Labour have held this seat since 2010, when Danczuk bucked the national trend of Labour losing seats under Gordon Brown to win Rochdale, and it’s pretty solidly Labour these days, having been held by all three main parties at one time or other, having semi regularly changed hands over the years. Tony Lloyd again held the seat in 2019 and his majority stands at 9,668, that’s a healthy Labour lead. The Tories were a distant second and all other parties that stood in 2019 were well off the pace.
Now, there’s little to get excited about with the Lib Dems, to this day I don’t get the point of them and led by a knight of the realm just as Labour is, they will probably do about as well as they did last time, if not worse since turnout is often down, they got 7%.
The Tories are electorally dead in the water, completely rudderless and after Sunak’s antics at PMQs yesterday, once again mocking trans people, when the mother of murdered student Brianna Ghey was in the gallery watching was obscene and with only weeks to go until the by-election is held, the 29th of this month, that isn’t likely to be forgotten either.

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