7 months ago

Welcome to my channel, my name is Jean Hosking, I am a prophetess of the Lord, I deliver prophetic Words from the Lord as the Holy Spirit leads me, this channel was created to inform, equip God's saints, He delivers fore warning, foreknowledge and foretelling, through His vessels, I am just a vessel, ALL praise and glory go to the Father in Heaven, I am here to announce that the Lord wants me to spend quality time with Him, to get "recalibrated" as He put it, we need to get refreshed, submitted and worship Him, for who He is, I will be taking February 11th-18th off from my channels but I will return on the 19th, I will release a video on the 10th. The times we are living in are going to abruptly change like He has been speaking, we must keep our eyes focused on Him and not get distracted, or be deceived, we must be spirit led, our tent pegs are being stretched out, for more of Him and His glory, His ways and thoughts are much higher that ours Isaiah 55:8-9, 1 Samuel 15:22
I will miss you all, I love each and every one of my subscribers and viewers, thank you for being supportive of this ministry that God has blessed me with to steward, see you soon, God Bless! Gods houses need to get right, teach the truth, fight with the words of the lord, authority over demons, demonic oppression, deliverance from demonsBattle of the spirit realm
Warfare in the heavenly places, jean hosking,
Struggle against the forces of darkness,
Fight against spiritual opposition
Confrontation with evil powers
Engaging in spiritual combat
Battling against the devil's schemes
Striving against principalities and powers
Spiritual warfare tactics
Prayer warfare
Waging war against the enemy
Victory in the spiritual realm
Resisting the devil
Putting on the armor of God
Fighting the good fight of faith
Overcoming spiritual attacks
Breaking spiritual strongholds
Deliverance from spiritual bondage
Spiritual battle cries
Fighting for the kingdom of God, Prayer and intercession
Binding and loosing
Fasting and abstinence
Spiritual discernment
Deliverance ministry
Repentance and confession
Spiritual mapping
Prophetic declarations
Spiritual authority
Engaging in spiritual warfare
Spiritual armor
Spiritual battle
Blood of Jesus
Spiritual weapons
Prayer walks
Breaking strongholds
Anointing with oil
Rebuking demonic forces
Casting out demons
Sanctification and consecration
Building up spiritual walls
Covering with the blood of Jesus
Breaking curses and generational bondage
Warfare prayer
Pleading the blood of Jesus
Holy Spirit power
Spiritual warfare strategies
Prayer and fasting
Overcoming evil spirits
Spiritual cleansing
Breaking soul ties
Binding and casting out of unclean spirits
Repentance and forgiveness
Binding and casting out of demons
Breaking the power of the enemy
Speaking the truth in love
Spiritual fortification
Renewing the mind
Engaging in spiritual disciplines
Praise and worship
Praying in tongues
Confession of faith
Listening to God's voice
Living a holy life
Filling the spiritual voids
Praying for others
Resisting the devil
Receiving the Word of God
Praying for spiritual discernment
Resisting temptation
Walking in the Spirit
Overcoming fear and anxiety
Spiritual vigilance
Overcoming temptation
Breaking occultic spells and curses
Warfare against addiction
Spiritual discernment of false teachings
Persevering in prayer
Binding and casting out of fear
Spiritual alignment
Building spiritual momentum
Warfare against doubt
Spiritual strengthening
Breaking generational curses
Deliverance from demonic oppression
Overcoming worldly influence
Spiritual breakthrough
Walking in obedience
Spiritual preparation
Cutting soul ties
Declaring God's promises
The authority of the believer
The power of prayer
Overcoming spiritual apathy
Identifying and renouncing sin
The power of the Word of God
Building up faith
Overcoming deception
Healing through prayer and deliverance
The power of praise
Resisting the flesh
Releasing the anointing
Warfare against unbelief
The power of the Holy Spirit
Engaging in spiritual warfare through worship
Breaking curses over the mind
Spiritual cleansing of homes and churches
Resisting temptation in the mind
Spiritual authority in Christ
Warfare against discouragement
Spiritual restoration

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