Joe Rogan Finds Christian Scholar in a Search for Transcendence w/ Diana Walsh Pasulka

1 year ago

Joe Rogan Strange Theology Playlist:

Over the past year, Joe Rogan has had some amazing conversations about the nature of theology and spirituality, covered many of them on this channel, and the reason is that I find Joe to be something of a human barometer.

You can’t have a podcast this size and experience thousands of hours of conversation without Understanding something about what’s going on in culture today. So it makes perfect sense that he would Have Diana Walsh Pasulka on to talk about aliens, transcendent experiences, and the spiritual world. In this episode we are going into Plato's analogy of the cave to see is there is a way to transcend the current state of darkness and chaos everyone experiences. This leads us to the person of Jesus and the only possible way for us to escape is for our Creator to descend and rescue us.

I explore the connection between theology, humanity, history and culture. I do this in the hopes of creating meaningful dialogue with others. I am creating dialogues with Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Russel Brand and other powerful voices in culture.

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Here is a clip to the episode on @joerogan full version not on YouTube

You can pick up a copy of my book here

0:00 How to Transcend
3:30 Emergent Phenomenon Dai-logos
9:00 Looking and Finding
13:33 Motivated by Love
15:43 Wrestle With God to Loose
19:16 Transcendent Jimi Hendrix
34:48 Psychedelics
37:13 Internet Narrative Disruption
40:34 The Purpose of Evil
48:15 The Noble Lie
51:41 The Key in Plato’s Cave

#alien #UFO #UAP #conspiracy
#jesus #Bible #mystery #history #spirituality #awakening #supernatural #apologetics #christianapologetics
#classicalstudies #ancientwisdom #cosmology #philosophy #spiritualtheology #Nephilim #endtimes #revelation #giants #satan #eden #angel #heiser #joerogan #soul #thesoul #Plato #socrates

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