Memorial Day Fly In 2017

1 year ago

Hang gliders and paragliders assemble each year for the fly-in over the Memorial Day weekend. This year there were 20 to 25 pilots.

The launch site is accessible by four wheel drive vehicles. It is on a mountain ridge at 7000 feet elevation and 2500 feet above the landing zone. Driving the trucks provides off road fun for non-pilots.

There are trophies for longest time up, most distance, highest altitude, and other accomplishments. The “golden hammer” award is given for the most spectacular but non-injurious crash.

The first two days were windy. Most of the launches were on day three.

Pilots, friends, and family gather at the landing zone to share stories and food.

See more gliding videos on my playlist:

- Officials -

Meet Head: Mike Ellsworth
Landing Zone Manager: Bill Cummings
Launch Directors: Robin Hastings and Mike Reedy
Grillmeister: Bill Cummings

- Video Notes -

My photography and editing skills are lacking. I have not learned to adjust the camera for bright light. You’ll be treated to bad focus, scratchy sounds, shaky sequences, and uneven sound levels.

Now, at Feb 2024, this film is still my most entertaining one.

The majority of the launches, landings, and soaring begin at 9:30.

Magical paraglider circling at 15:19.

Filmed with a Pentax Optio WG-2.

Edited with Blender 2.78 Video Sequence Editor.

- Music Credits -

Music by Benjamin Tissot (
o Happiness
o Epic

Music by Kevin MacLeod (
o Frost Waltz
o Batty McFadden – Slower
o Hidden Agenda
o House
o Iron Bacon
o Sardana

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