Side Effects of Long Term Ventilation at Home and in Intensive Care or LTAC

1 year ago

Side Effects of Long Term Ventilation at Home and in Intensive Care or LTAC

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In this week’s blog I want to make a comparison that most long-term ventilated Patients and their families can resonate with

Side effects of Long Term Ventilation at home and in Intensive care or LTAC

Anybody who has ever had a loved one in intensive care (or long-term acute care/LTAC) on long-term ventilation with tracheostomy knows about the undesired side effects.

Intensive care units also know about the side effects of having Patients in intensive care that are a slow ventilation and slow tracheostomy wean.

Let’s just take a Patient who has Guillan Barre syndrome and therefore requires mechanical ventilation and tracheostomy and a prolonged stay in intensive care for prolonged ventilation and tracheostomy weaning.

After I have worked in intensive care for 20 years in three different countries, I have seen a few Guillan Barre syndrome Patients that stayed in Intensive Care for ventilation and tracheostomy weaning for way too long.

Especially with a successful and proven concept such as INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME, intensive home care would have been a much better alternative.

So what are the side effects of weaning a Guillan Barre syndrome Patient off mechanical ventilation and tracheostomy in intensive care as opposed to weaning a Guillan Barre syndrome Patient off mechanical ventilation and tracheostomy at home?

I’m glad you’ve asked...

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