If Americans Can't Find Lincoln, We Are Lost

1 year ago

The United States today is bitterly divided between two major political movements. What can we do to solve such a deadly problem? Find the solution in the legacy of Abraham Lincoln.

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Faced with the loss of hundreds of thousands of American lives in the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln quoted the Bible. He declared that a house divided cannot stand! Lincoln was a student of history and prophecy. He saw that the nation’s unprecedented blessings came straight from God. To survive national crisis, he urged the people to turn back to God in fasting and prayer.

Request our free reprint article “Abraham Lincoln: Like a Prophet of God” to understand the spiritual motivation of this righteous leader. Our nation desperately craves this kind of leadership today. Without a godly leader calling for solemn repentance of our sins, we are hurtling toward national suicide.

Before and during the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln discerned the poisonous effects of lawlessness all over the nation. He exposed this lawlessness as the cause of the war! Your Bible is full of warnings against rejecting God’s perfect spiritual law, the Ten Commandments. Any nation that ignores these warnings is doomed to sudden collapse and even captivity.

Study “Abraham Lincoln: Like a Prophet of God” to discover why religion today is powerless to reverse the curse of lawlessness in America. Lincoln loved the Bible, but he hated the hypocrisy and weakness of the churches. This problem is even worse in our time!

Living according to actual Bible teachings like Lincoln did is the only way we can survive the next civil war.

Also request our free reprint articles “Where Abraham Lincoln's Greatness Came From” and “Lincoln's Fight for True Freedom.” There is real power in law keeping. Lincoln obeyed God’s Word as far as he could understand. He charted the course to true freedom for America by upholding God’s law, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. He brought God into the midst of the Civil War, and the nation emerged from the bloodshed stronger than ever. It is our responsibility today to ensure that these men did not die in vain. We must find Lincoln, or we are lost.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request “Abraham Lincoln: Like a Prophet of God,” “Where Abraham Lincoln’s Greatness Came From,” and “Lincoln’s Fight for True Freedom.” Order now!

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