Red Pill Lens Movie reviews: Knock Knock

1 year ago

Hey guys, I am a Red Pill nerd and this is my red pill lens movie review on Knock Knock, enjoy!

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00:00 Intro/ audio Issues skip to next part
0:57 Proper start
1:44 1st point Neo's family/ frame/ positive masculinity/ beta bucks/ rating
5:22 2nd point wife has a MALE secretary
6:21 3rd point Neo's trinity rating
7:10 4th point Baddie like baddie hens rating/ quick interruption/ The village/ State of play/ bad game/ hen manipulation tactics
10:33 5th point hens being hens/ useless college degree/ covert & overt comms
13:47 6th point RP aware hens/ just get it
18:00 7th point the F scene was mid
18:46 8th point the hens show their true selves/ child brains/ they add zero value/ why vetting is important
20:15 9th point playful ignorance/ game tactics/ RPs got to take the high road
24:10 10th point hens come back for revenge
25:28 11th point Neo is not a MAN in this film
27:03 12th point secretary is a G for 20 seconds
28:19 13th point females are more rational than men/ rant on TRM series
31:20 14th point Neos miserable escape/ millionaire neighborhoods are military bases
33:10 Final point THE BAD GUY WINS, what?/ the family portraits are ruthless lmao
35:40 Movie score
36:50 Outro

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