Red Pill Lens Movie reviews- Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

1 year ago

Hey guys, I am a Red Pill nerd and this is my red pill lens movie review on Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, enjoy!

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00:00 intro/ audio issues skip to next part
1:30 skip here/ proper intro
2:02 1st point the film looks while in motion/ main character/ his moms rating/ alpha widow/ trinity
5:30 2nd point networking/ double down/ alpha frame/ natural RP?/ game/ frame
6:18 3rd point spirit is the next in line alpha/ BOP/ confirmed alpha widow/ horse mma/ command presence
8:02 4th point spirit scoping out the OPS/ matrix attack
9:15 5th point Zeroing out/ natural Alpha zen buddah energy cant be contained/ new network/ baddie like baddie/ rating/ approach anxiety/ cold approach
14:03 6th point scarcity mentality/ zero frame/ simpping/ masculine hen/ DV RED FLAG!/ just get it/ low investment high return date/ freedom or hen?
17:39 7th point spirit gets released/ tricking/ bad game/ demonstrate do not exlpicate/ high horse body count/ beta bucks/ blue pill alpha
20:39 8th point take accountabillity for your actions
22:23 9th point spirit caught some bodies?/ frees labor horses again
23:49 audio check skip to next point
25:14 10th point presidential pardon
26:55 11th point ponytail boy gives Rain Hen to spirit/ deep conversion/ genuine burning desire
28:16 Final point DHV/ reclaimed alpha status/ RP ending
29:44 Movie Score
31:15 outro

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