When The 'Cure' Is Worse Than The Disease (See description box)

8 months ago

When The 'Cure' Is Worse Than The Disease

Medsafe CARM Safety Report #32
For the #Covid shot
Data Up to 9 Oct, 2021
Report Published 27 Oct, 2021

Total Adverse Events Reported: 27, 651
Adverse Events Deemed Serious: 982
Deaths Reported After the Shot: 91

15 of these deaths were people aged 30-59 yrs.
1 of the deaths was a person aged 10-29 yrs.
(exact ages of the deaths isn't given in the report).

In regard to the 982 serious adverse events, Medsafe defines 'serious' as:

* Is a medically important event or reaction.
* Requires hospitalisation or prolongs an existing hospitalisation.
* Causes persistent or significant disability or incapacity.
* Is life threatening.
* Causes a congenital anomaly/birth defect.
* Results in death.

Keep in mind that Medsafe itself acknowledges that typical reporting captures no more than 5% of the actual number of adverse events. So if 27,651 adverse events might have only been 5% of the actual number, there could have been around 553,020 adverse events at that time.

And do you know how many covid related deaths there were on 9 Oct 2021?

There were 28.

The majority of whom were people in their 70s, 80s and 90s who had underlying health conditions. 5 of them never even tested positive for covid (4 of them tested negative and 1 wasn't tested) but they were classed as 'probable cases' based on symptoms and they were all included in the official 'covid death' numbers.

As of 9 Oct, 2021 NONE of the covid related deaths were under 50 yrs of age. Yet 15 people who were reported as having died after the covid shot were aged 30-59 yrs, and 1 person who died was aged 10-29 yrs.

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