doesn't the cat just say it all

1 year ago

vultures pickin at cha always tryin to get a rise outta ya
i like to pretend that i don't have sexual organs but doesn't that dehumanize me in a way
i'd rather live for God, tho
mini vans. sammiches. television.
people do or don't do things for the wrong reason
i know that i do n don't do do things for the right reason cos i've always thought about things
i need to stop making bold declarations
God shows me things that He don't show nobody else apparently
they'd rather not think about it on the way down i get it
not autistic, sorry to disappoint it
schizos have an answer that they're not ready for
they won't give up their whole world
i have always ostracized myself
i appreciate the altered state not so much the company tho
ag n co is the way to go
95% tiger, this little thing
they immediately forget if they get mad at you
i wish men could just digress BARF!
many assumptions society will make
women don't try to understand their psychosis
this ain't much of a civilization
recovery triangle, yin yang, peace sign...all some kinda free mason

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